Donnerstag, 30. September 2010

Tataaa! Pregnancy Project #4

Hey... did I promise too much? Here we go with maternity project number four!

I made this cover for my best friends' nursing pillow. She chose the fabric an I tried to make a pattern that would fit the pillow.

- Again, not so easy as I thought! The pillow is in 3D while the pattern is in 2D... This means a lot of improvisation I can tell :-) But finally it worked out well.
And even the patch I had to made because of a little accident :-) looks cute.

Now I have to work the seams over because I didn't use the zig-zag-stich on my machine, so the seam isn't stretchy and rips. Well, nobody is perfect... but I've learned a lot again. This time about sewing with jersey.

Next week I'll try to make my own breastfeeding pillow and its cover... I will tell you about the little catastrophes that without doubt will occur ;-) !

Mittwoch, 29. September 2010

#3 Belly Band Parade


So Project #3 isn't really a whole new project. But today I spent some time on my sewing machine to expand my range of belly bands. I like the red one a lot, but it doesn´t match with everything. So I made a blue a black and a dotted green one, which I particularly love as you surely can imagine ;-)

My next project is coming soon... so stay tuned!

Dienstag, 21. September 2010

Pregnancy Project #2

Hey there!

... the things that seem the easiest to do could turn out to be the most complicated, I tell you.
Last week I thought: "Wow... a maternity belly band - what an easy and nice craft to do this afternoon. The pattern would be easy. I have to sew kind of a tube - no problem."

But when I took my measurements I already noticed, that it couldn´t be a tube, because my chest measurement is only 82 cm while my hips need icredible 11o cm.
Soooo, I thought it was clear: I needed to sew a trapeze. No problem.

But as I was sewing I realised that a trapeze would meen a little triangle-tail on my bottom.

So... impatiently I decided to cut off the triangle (yeah... I know this kind of improvisation is the opposite of neat needlecrafting... but working neatly is not my style, I fear) and finally I realised that the pattern has to be like an unfolded cone. ...

After this perception I hope that the next belly band will really be an easy project. But we will see.
This one became a nice one after all. I like it and wear it a lot.

Hoping to show you more soon.

Samstag, 11. September 2010

First pregnancy craft

Hello there!

As promised here is my first maternity project. It is a cover for the so called "Mutterpass" which is a preventive medical check up documentation for pregnant women in Germany.
As two of my friends are pregnant too I made three of them. Each one with its particular look and imperfections... But, hey... every error makes me better, right?!

Montag, 6. September 2010

Back again!

Wow! My last post was in june! I´m so sorry... Vacation and great news got all my attention. We spent almost the whole august in nothern Spain. It was great. We've been really lazy and enjoyed nature.

But there's another reason why I was distracted. I'm pregnant - yeay! So there's a huuuuge new adventure starting soon... well, not so soon. We'll have to wait until january. But meanwhile there will be a lot of baby-crafting!

Some of the crafting projects are already on their way:

I'm looking forward to show you more soon.